Kevin Murphy, Senior Partner, is pleased to announce the newest Associate member of the O’Keefe team, his grandson Rex Henry Hurstak, born July 1, 2011.
Rex, who has been a diehard Red Sox fan since birth, is expected to join the firm in 2050 after a distinguished career as a left-handed pitcher for the Sox. He is currently being groomed for both positions. As recruiters, we know that this training cannot start too soon.
“Having worked with great leaders for decades, I can recognize them in an instant.” Murphy said. “Without a doubt, Rex has those leadership qualities.”
Rex lives in Charlestown, MA, with his proud parents, Emily and Kevin Hurstak. When asked for a comment, Rex said, “Goo, gah, gurgle.”… translation: “Go Red Sox!”
We’ll keep you posted regularly on the progress of Rex’s career…